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Programs Reference and Target Reference

I am having issues with Targets and Program Call

When I place Targets referenced to the robot base, the program seems to work.
MoveJ, MoveJ, Curve Follow Project, MoveJ, MoveJ
With program Set ref to Robot base.

When I place same Targets Referenced (relatively same poses) to a non robot base reference frame, and change the set ref to the non robot base reference frame, the program keeps coming back with Target at instruction unreachable errors.  The targets also show a warning symbol.  This problem goes away as soon as I remove the Curve Follow Project.  It only seems to affect some target points after the Curve Follow Project.

How do you create successful programs using non robot base reference frames?

Am I able to create a program using targets from different reference frames?
Yes, you can create programs with frames other than the robot base.

Can you send your .rdk station?

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[attachment=2349 Wrote:pid='9508' dateline='1624415462']

RDK file has been attached.
Thank you for your help

Attached Files
.rdk   18278HP28657.rdk (Size: 8.77 MB / Downloads: 312)
You need to add a frame after the "Path 1" call as the path uses a specific type of set frame. 

See pic:     

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel

Thank you Jeremy

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