01-27-2019, 02:54 PM
I am having trouble generating and saving a robot program to a specific path using the python API.
The code line is
where PrintProgram is the RoboDK program. It works fine when I use
Using the specific file path I get the following response to the python shell:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Robodruck\RoboDruckv10.py", line 306, in <module>
[success, log, transfer succeed]=PrintProgram.MakeProgram('C:\\RoboDruck\\Zielordner\\program.src')
File "C:\RoboDruck\robolink.py", line 4285, in MakeProgram
prog_status = self.link._rec_int()
File "C:\RoboDruck\robolink.py", line 416, in _rec_int
buffer = self.COM.recv(4)
socket.timeout: timed out
The message bar inside RoboDK confirms that the program generation works, but it is obviously not able to handle the path as I expect it to. It takes 3-4 seconds until the error is printed and RoboDK then brings up the prompt for selecting a path manually, so to say the default behaviour if no path is given.
I do not see how to fix this and hope for your advice.
I am having trouble generating and saving a robot program to a specific path using the python API.
The code line is
[success, log, transfer_succeed]=PrintProgram.MakeProgram('C:\\RoboDruck\\Zielordner\\program.src')
where PrintProgram is the RoboDK program. It works fine when I use
[success, log, transfer_succeed]=PrintProgram.MakeProgram()
Using the specific file path I get the following response to the python shell:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Robodruck\RoboDruckv10.py", line 306, in <module>
[success, log, transfer succeed]=PrintProgram.MakeProgram('C:\\RoboDruck\\Zielordner\\program.src')
File "C:\RoboDruck\robolink.py", line 4285, in MakeProgram
prog_status = self.link._rec_int()
File "C:\RoboDruck\robolink.py", line 416, in _rec_int
buffer = self.COM.recv(4)
socket.timeout: timed out
The message bar inside RoboDK confirms that the program generation works, but it is obviously not able to handle the path as I expect it to. It takes 3-4 seconds until the error is printed and RoboDK then brings up the prompt for selecting a path manually, so to say the default behaviour if no path is given.
I do not see how to fix this and hope for your advice.