03-11-2024, 09:32 AM
Hi All,
When adding movement instructions to a program using the python API
program.MoveL(mat) where mat is of type robodk.robomath.Mat works
program.MoveC(mat1, mat2)
results in: File "C:\RoboDK\Python-Embedded\lib\site-packages\robodk\robolink.py", line 6021, in MoveC
raise Exception("Adding a movement instruction to a program given joints or a pose is not supported. Use a target item instead, for example, add a target as with RDK.AddTarget(...) and set the pose or joints.")
Exception: Adding a movement instruction to a program given joints or a pose is not supported. Use a target item instead, for example, add a target as with RDK.AddTarget(...) and set the pose or joints.
Ideally I would like to able to add circular movement instructions without having to create a target beforehand as this slows down the program generation when dealing with large programs. Is there a reason that the behaviour of MoveL is different than MoveC
When adding movement instructions to a program using the python API
program.MoveL(mat) where mat is of type robodk.robomath.Mat works
program.MoveC(mat1, mat2)
results in: File "C:\RoboDK\Python-Embedded\lib\site-packages\robodk\robolink.py", line 6021, in MoveC
raise Exception("Adding a movement instruction to a program given joints or a pose is not supported. Use a target item instead, for example, add a target as with RDK.AddTarget(...) and set the pose or joints.")
Exception: Adding a movement instruction to a program given joints or a pose is not supported. Use a target item instead, for example, add a target as with RDK.AddTarget(...) and set the pose or joints.
Ideally I would like to able to add circular movement instructions without having to create a target beforehand as this slows down the program generation when dealing with large programs. Is there a reason that the behaviour of MoveL is different than MoveC