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Remote drilling machine

I'm looking for some help for a project :
- My robot holds my object
- I have an external and stationary drilling machine

I want the roboDK calculate the path to drill points I can show on the object (hold by the robot).
I don't have alphacam, but solidworks.

Would it be possible to mount the object on the robot, and to select point (on this object with roboDK) to drill (with the external drilling machine) easily ?

I saw your video for Remote TCP & AlphaCam, but I don't have and don't want to use AlphaCam.

Thanks a lot for your help
Hi inscrip,

You can also do Remote TCP using the SolidWorks plugin.
Do you have the SolidWorks plugin installed?
If so, use the "Load Points" option to import the points.
Then, in the "Point Follow Project" that will automatically be created in RoboDK, "Select algorithm" -> "Robot holds object".

That should put you on the right path.

Have a great day.
Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for your reply. I managed to find a way with follow curves : By creating cylinders in the place I want to drill.

Now, the problem I have is I need to drill "several" cylinders on my object but they are not on the same plan.
Then, when RoboDK create the path, the object goes straight to the end of the drilling machine. But for others, it is not straight.

I'd like to say to RoboDK the path has to be straight regarding an axis of my tool frame (=stationary driling machine frame).
Could you help ?
Hi inscrip,

First question, what is your situation :
1 - You are using a professional license
2 - You are evaluating a professional license
3 - You are using an educational license

If it's not IP sensitive, can you send me your RDK file and the part you are working on?

(06-03-2019, 03:31 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Hi inscrip,

First question, what is your situation :
1 - You are using a professional license
2 - You are evaluating a professional license
3 - You are using an educational license

If it's not IP sensitive, can you send me your RDK file and the part you are working on?


Hi Jeremy,

I use an evaluation version. 20 days left, before buying ! :)
I created a simple IGS file (=object on the robot) ,and I have a stationary drilling machine ("Drilling frame"). My robot is a AUBO i5.

The problem is I want to select point directly into RoboDK, but the points are not visible and selectable on the object.

Attached Files
.rdk   V30.rdk (Size: 1.14 MB / Downloads: 1,950)
I just answered you by private message.

Have a great day.

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