I can see from the documentation that the robot drivers are able to get the current joint position of the robot arms. Is the robot driver (through Python/C#/etc API or the plug-in API) able to get the motor current and/or force being seen on the joints of the arm as well?
The use case would be to use RoboDK as a bridge to a robot for real-time teleoperation with force-feedback using capable hardware (Haption 6D RV or 6D TAO, 3D Systems Touch/Touch X/Phantom). RoboDK would be used for a majority of programming for simple actions, with a "stop" point introduced to allow a human operator to conduct specific actions as the situation requires. The functionality for using a game controller with is already showcased in a plug-in, and both of those companies (Haption, 3D Systems) have SDK's available - the main thing would be to be able to hook in some kind of force value.
I am sure the information available differs between manufacturers - I know that UR presents motor current, but it is not clear from the RoboDK documentation if that is an available parameter and/or if Fanuc (or other manufacturers with cobots) make that information available.
I can see from the documentation that the robot drivers are able to get the current joint position of the robot arms. Is the robot driver (through Python/C#/etc API or the plug-in API) able to get the motor current and/or force being seen on the joints of the arm as well?
The use case would be to use RoboDK as a bridge to a robot for real-time teleoperation with force-feedback using capable hardware (Haption 6D RV or 6D TAO, 3D Systems Touch/Touch X/Phantom). RoboDK would be used for a majority of programming for simple actions, with a "stop" point introduced to allow a human operator to conduct specific actions as the situation requires. The functionality for using a game controller with is already showcased in a plug-in, and both of those companies (Haption, 3D Systems) have SDK's available - the main thing would be to be able to hook in some kind of force value.
I am sure the information available differs between manufacturers - I know that UR presents motor current, but it is not clear from the RoboDK documentation if that is an available parameter and/or if Fanuc (or other manufacturers with cobots) make that information available.