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Robot model creation of Precise Automation's PF3400 robot


I need to create a robot model for Precise Automation's PF3400 robot for simulation. I have stp files for each parts such as base, joint1, joint2, joint3 and joint 4.  I already know that new mechanisms or robots in RoboDK can be created using  Utilities➔Model Mechanism or robot. 
Unfortunately, the kinematics of PF3400 is not included in robot types provided in RoboDK.

My question is two.

1) How can I create a robot model for PF3400 (.robot)?

2) A robot model of PF400 (similar kinematics to PF3400 but different link lengths) is already provided in RoboDK's on-line robot library. Can I create a robot model for PF3400 by modifying the robot model for PF400 (e.g. replacing stp files and adjusting link lengths).

Thanks in advance,

Hi Junwon,
We can add this robot for you. We need the 3D files of your robot (preferably STEP or IGES format) to add it to RoboDK. If you can provide a PDF sketch with dimensions and robot related information it would also help (payload, reach, etc).
Thank you,
Albert, great!

I attached two zip files with IGS files for PF3400 and a pdf file with specification. ( )

PF3400 has 3 variants according to J1 (Z) axis length.
My PF3400 is 1600mm version of J1 (Z) axis. 
PF3400 can be combined with an additional linear rail with 3 options (1m, 1.5m, 2m).

First of all, I want you to add my robot (1600mm version) in robot library. 
Then, I would be also happy if you can add all variants of PF3400 and linear rails.

Attatched zip files include all IGS files for variants and the pdf file includes all information for variants. 
 - [1] PF3400 & Linear rail: 3 IGS files for PF3400 
 - [2] PF3400 & Linear rail: 3 IGS files for Linear rail 

Thanks you,

Attached Files
.pdf   PF3400.pdf (Size: 1.09 MB / Downloads: 842)
.zip   [2] PF3400 & Linear (Size: 7.29 MB / Downloads: 749)
.zip   [1] PF3400 & Linear (Size: 24 MB / Downloads: 709)
How is it going?
I am looking forward to seeing PF3400 in RoboDK.

Thank you,
Hi Junwon,

Your precise PF3400 Scara robots are now available in the library:

I hope it is not too late.

Great to hear that.
I wll check it soon.

Thank you a lot.
Hi Albert,

I find a problem when I use PF3400 (1160) model in RoboDK.
RoboDK was crashed when I tried to change 'Joint Min' and 'Joint Max' parameters in robot parameters panel.
I need to change them.
Could you check whether you can modify them? (ex. J3: -167.0~167.0 => 12.0~348)

Thanks in advance,
Hi Albert and Junwon,

I have a related issue.  I believe that Junwon wants to change the joint range from -167->167 to 12->348 because the robot motion for the PF series is incorrect.  The forearm should be able to swing under the shoulder through the "tucked" position, but instead this path is out of range.

The Precise documentation specifically lists it as -167 to 167, so I believe that this is actually what the values should be, but we want 0 degrees for joint 3 to have the forearm "tucked" rather than "sticking straight out".

Does this make sense?  I think my suggestion is how it should be fixed, but if it can't be, then I'll have to do the same thin that Junwon wants to do.  The unfortunate thing is that then whatever is generated from RoboDK won't match a real PF robot.

You can easily change robot joint limits by double clicking on the joint labels from the robot panel.
(05-25-2020, 09:57 PM)Albert Wrote: You can easily change robot joint limits by double clicking on the joint labels from the robot panel.

I'm able to do that without the crash that Junwon has reported, so I'm able to proceed.  However, shouldn't the physical limits in RoboDK match the real robot it is simulating?

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