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When using the Solidworks add-in to import curves from Solidworks into RoboDK, the following Solidworks features do not behave as-expected:

1. 3DSketch, selected using a single segment of a curve from the graphics window
Expected: the full curve and all points on it are imported to RoboDK
Actual: the full curve and all point on it are imported to RoboDK. HOWEVER, each segment is created as a unique curve. This means that for a curve with 100 points, 99 unique curves will be created in RoboDK.

2. 3DSketch, selected from feature tree
Expected: all curves and points imported to RoboDK
Actual: 3DSketch cannot be selected from feature tree

3. Composite curve, selected from feature tree (the composite curve is made up of a 3D sketch formed from the intersection of a surface and a plane)
Expected: the full curve and all points on it are imported to RoboDK
Actual: the full curve and all point on it are imported to RoboDK. HOWEVER, each segment is created as a unique curve. This means that for a curve with 100 points, 99 unique curves will be created in RoboDK.

Note: all curves were generated using the intersection of an imported surface and a reference plane. This gives them lots of points.

Interesting workaround: it is possible, in a new 3DSketch, to create a spline that fits all the points on the curve you want to import. When you import this by clicking on one segment from the graphics window, it works perfectly (each point is imported once and the full curve is imported as a single continuous curve). The massive downside to this method is that every point must be clicked once. For a mesh intersection, this could be thousands of clicks.)
are you able to share the part you are experiencing this with?  sometimes due to the export procedure, we get similar issues to the one that you mentioned but never so drastic.

As a good workaround, you might want to take  a look at the Curve Utilities Add-in

The simplify curve option can help you convert a curve with multiple segments into a continuous curve.

Turns into this:
Hi Alex, thanks for the assistance.

I cannot post the surface on the forum due to confidentiality, but I can email it to you. Just sent that out as I am posting this.

The simplify curve function did not appear to have any effect. Please let me know if the behavior is similar for you when you receive the .SLDPRT.

Just did some more investigation. It looks like simplify curve did actually help significantly. Unfortunately,
1. It did not handle the first point properly. The first point to the second point still goes backwards along the curve. Then, the third point has the same location as the first point. Other curve segments get combined and ordered appropriately.
2. If I import fully disjoint curves, the get combined into the same curve when I use the simplify curves button. This poses a difficulty because I want to have maybe 10-15 disjoint curves that each get simplified separately.
Hi Alex,

1. I tracked down the duplicate first point issue to one of my scripts.
2. I found a workaround to the issue that requires simplify curves in the first place. It takes an extra step in Solidworks, but it works fine now. (Workaround is fitting a spline to the 3DSketch of the intersection curve and choosing the option to delete the parent geometry after fitting the spline.

So, there's some weirdness left but it's not really blocking me anymore since my workarounds are good.

I would say that not being able to select from the feature tree might count as a bug, but perhaps that's expected behavior.



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