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Set speed/acceleration limit on each axis

Hello everyone,

After creating a mechanism like a 3 axis cartesian robot, is it possible to set a linear speed/accceleration limit for each axis of the robot? 
I searched in the options of my mechanism that I created, I saw that we could set the speed and acceleration movement of the robot, but not for each axis of the robot. 
Personnalize the speed/acceleration limit on each axis would allow me to know precisly the cycle time of a simulation.

.rdk   LUCAS - ROBOT CARTÉSIEN 3 AXES - 1 ROBOT.rdk (Size: 3.48 MB / Downloads: 500)

Bonjour Yohan,

It's not possible to specify specific joints speeds in RoboDK.
I do agree 100% it would be a useful improvement.

I recommend you simply add it to the "Request New Features" section of the forum.

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any Updates ?

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