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Soildworks Plug-In

I going through welding and silimiar to welding tutorials, I have noticed that many of the paths and curves are created with Solidworks Plug-In in the tutorial.  My worry is that I don't have Solidworks.  Can I still create curves and paths in the software alone?
It is better to use a cad software as you wont be able to draw lines on surfaces, but you can teach targets on surface and use these targets to create the path if you have the patience.
Note that you can use the "Tools->Create curves" feature to create a curve on the edge of a shape, but you wont be able to draw custom lines directly on the surface.

Also, I believe fusion 360 is free to use and we have a plugin for it, so I recommend you take a look at it.

Here is the documentation :
Take a look at the Excel file from this link:

Look for module 11.

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