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Struggle with hand-E gripper with UR3e


We are using a Hand-E gripper With an UR3e robot, we created 2 .script that can open and close the gripper but we can't call these programs with the python script that control the whole pattern of the robot. We are forced to use a python script for the global control of the robot because we have serious need of modification of the positions following cycle evolution. 

We tried RunCode and RunProgram

But none works, we don't have any error when we try to run it on the robot.

We really need your help.

.py (Size: 1.96 KB / Downloads: 160)
Are you trying to generate a program offline or are you connecting to the robot?

Either way, if you want to move the robot you should use MoveJ, MoveL or MoveC commands (setting the pose of the targets won't move the robot because it is not a movement instruction or command).
Thank you very much for your answer.

We are connected to the robot.  We have selected the good post-processing option that gives us command to control the gripper.

Don't worry about the movement, I simplified the program to test the gripper easily, I removed all the movement commands for these tests.
If you need any specific code, ask me I will send it.

Here is the python program which contains the movements of the robot.

.py (Size: 2.72 KB / Downloads: 168)

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