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Sweep Volume like in Process Simulate

Hi guys,

any chance to do something like this in RoboDK?

My guys in mechanical planning department would much appreciate!

Kind regards,
This is currently not possible. One workaround would be to export an STL model of your station at a given set of points. The STL file would get very heavy very quickly.
Hi Albert,

thank you for your reply!

What would be then the "best practice" in terms of interface between the robotic guy who did a reachibility study and programms in RoboDK and mechanical planner who is trying to draw the cell in Solidworks (for example)?

We have a reachability addin that helps evaluate how reachable a certain point or target is, using different tool orientations:

Reachability is not only about showing the reachable space as a 3D model. You should make sure you can reach specific points using a specific tool with your desired orientation.
Hi Albert,

I know about this addin but reachability is not the problem here. Once I finished rechability study and the programs, guys in the mechanical planing department have to know what are the places where their holder, clamp, vent,and so on, wont get in the way of the robot. The point of having one volume that is occupied by the robot is - it makes it a lot easier for the mechanic planing of the cell, interference contours (such as clamps, vents, holders...) should be planed outside of this volume. Its like a trace but for the whole robot+tools. Only relevant is the outside border of the volume. Thats the space that the mechanic planing guys can use and it wont get in the robots way. Any ideas how to tackle this problem?

Thank you very much!
Thank you for your feedback. We'll discuss improving the reachability plugin for this purpose. For example, we could drop the 3D model of the tool at certain spots to show the volume occupied by the tool. It is not so easy to add the volume occupied by the robot. At least not in an efficient way.

Would the tool model work as a first step? We may find a solution to improve this further. It is better if you contact us by email to discuss this.

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