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TCP Problem with TM12 Cartesian coordinate


I encountered a similar issue to the one discussed by another user in this thread:

When I read the Cartesian position for a specific TCP configuration on the real TM12 robotic arm, I noticed a 1 to 2mm deviation from the position set by the RoboDK API.

I wondered if the TM robotic arm also has its unique kinematics and if I need to extract a specific file. Can anyone provide some guidance on this matter?

Thanks in advance.
The kinematics of each TM robot is unique and you may see these small TCP discrepancy.

This should not affect offline programming. For example, if you program a path using linear movements and Cartesian values, the robot will apply its kinematics to try to follow the path as accurately as possible.
Thank you sir. However, I still have a programming challenge and would appreciate some guidance on how to address it.

The program involves moving the TM12 to a linear position and then applying a Cartesian offset (e.g., z_offset) relative to the read Cartesian position from the real robotic arm. However, this approach leads to cumulative deviations in the x and y coordinates over multiple iterations due to the deviation between the set TCP and the exact TCP. As a result, the trajectory becomes non-linear.

Could you provide some guidance on this issue, such as how to obtain the exact kinematics of TM12 with roboDK and then apply them to RoboDKApi?

Thank you so much.
I don't understand what is it that you are trying to accomplish.

Can you share your RoboDK project? Are you using the driver to collect points? I recommend you to program the nominal path in RoboDK and then export it to the robot controller.

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