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TCP coordinates relative to user reference frame

Hi All

I have multiple identical workstations which each have their own reference frame. Each station is defined in space relative to the base of the robot. They all require an identical recipe. 

Currently I have only managed to create individual recipes for each station with the TCP relative to the robot base. Is it possible to obtain the coordinates of the TCP within a recipe relative to, say station 1 reference frame instead? Then I could use an identical program for each station and only need to change the station reference frame to which the TCP coordinates are relative to. I tried changing the Reference frame when creating a curve follow project but this didn't seem to give the desired result.

I have used the TCP relative to a station before using teach-by-pendant, but I am unsure how to go about it in RoboDK.

Thanks in advance
Hi Philipp,

Can you share your .rdk station please?

I'm pretty sure I know the issue, but I want to confirm.

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(11-23-2020, 01:57 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Hi Philipp,

Can you share your .rdk station please?

I'm pretty sure I know the issue, but I want to confirm.


Hi Jeremy

Thanks for your assistance. Please find attached the .rdk file as requested. I've made a recipe following the perimeter of station 2, which I would like to replicate on station 1,3,4.


Attached Files
.rdk   RobotSetupExport2.rdk (Size: 698.64 KB / Downloads: 380)
Hi Philipp,

It was simpler for me to just record a video on this one.
Here's the link:

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel

Hi Jeremy

Thank you for the thorough explanation and video. I'll give the method a try.


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