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Dear support team
when I use robodk default kinematics then I input x,y,z value in ” tool fram with respect to reference frame”
robodk shows 34 configurations
next, I use ur5 controller  kinematics then I input x,y,z value in  “tool fram with respect to reference frame”
robodk shows only one configuration
that correct?
How to let TCP in specified point and get more difference configurations
due to lack of understanding, please help me on this. 
Hi Roy,

We are aware of that behavior.

Adding the load controller kinematics was a fix when we discovered that UR, contrarily to other industrial robot manufacturers, do not use the nominal (default) kinematics in their controller as each robot is factory "calibrated".
The solution works, but it has the downside of limiting RoboDK's configuration algorithm.

It's not a huge issue as using the controller kinematic is only useful if you are working in the joint range.
1 - When you do TCP or Frame definition
2 - If you need to have accurately positioned Move J.

You can always toggle the kinematics between default and calibrated in your robot panel -> "Parameters".

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel

got it

by the way 
we update roboDK to V5.1.2
but when we want to load ur5 controller kinematic 
seem have a issue 
please see attached picture


Hi Jeremy

picture in here


Hi Roy,

Can you send me the URP you use to load the controller kinematic?
I would like to try to reproduce the issue.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel

Hi Jerymy
URP file as attched 


Attached Files
.urp   roy.urp (Size: 1.26 KB / Downloads: 493)
Hi Jeremy
would you have any chance to try this issue?

Hi Roy, 

Sorry for the late reply, can you make sure you are using Python 3. 


Python 3.png   

Also, make sure there's at least one PTP motion in the URP. 

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel


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