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Using M_RunCode(n) instructions


I’m actually working on the Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) process and I’m using a Yaskawa ES200D robot with a welding station.

I would like to use the instructions M3 and M8 of my G-Code generated for a 3-axis CNC by Autodesk Powermill in order to control the power of the welding like this :

-       M3 and M8 activated : high power welding
-       M3 activated and M8 disabled : low power welding
-       M3 disabled : no welding

I’m actually trying to modify the postprocessor Motoman by integrating an M_RunCode(n) method, but for the moment nothing is displayed in the robot code. You can see in the attachment what I did now. For the moment I’m displaying commentaries in order to understand the code of the postprocessor.

Can I have some help in order to fix my problem ? Thank you very much for your answer.

Best regards,

Maximilien Schneider
Hi Max,

I think you forgot to attach your file.

But theoretically, if you have M code in your G-Code, it should automatically generate a M_RunCode(n) program call.
You can then create a M_RunCode subprogram on your controller that will catch the "n" value a take action according to the received value.
If you can also attach the .rdk station, that would help.

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Thank you for your answer.

I will send you my .rdk file and a picture of what I did on the postprocessor.

I would like also to ask you how to control the I/O of the Yaskawa robot, in order to control a welding station.

I'm also sorry for the late reply.

Best regards,

Schneider maximilien

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.rdk   Station Yaskawa.rdk (Size: 1.14 MB / Downloads: 479)
Bonjour Max, 

In fact, you should do the change in "def RunCode" section of the post-processor. 

It should look a bit like that:

def RunCode(self, code, is_function_call = False):
       """Adds code or a function call"""              
      if is_function_call:          

           if code.lower().startswith("m_runcode"):
               if not code.endswith(')'):
                   code = code + ')'
               if code[10] = "1":
                   #addline to activate your thing
               elif code[10] = "2":
                  #addline to activate other thing

Bonne fin de journée. 
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