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Yaskawa MotoMini Robot Not connecting

Hello Albert! 

We are trying to operate the Yaskawa Moto Mini Robot with RoboDK software. We found the IP address of robot on teach pendant but now struggling to find the port number of Robot. where we can find it?

As per the RoboDk document I found on the internet that the port number for Yaskawa robot is not so necessary to connect with RoboDK. can you please clarify whether it is necessary or not?

I tried with your Yaskawa MotoMini robot attached whose pulse/degree parameter is already defined. When we are trying to connect robot with RoboDK we are receiving the attached problem please provide the solution on the same.

I don't Have much clarity whether the Robot controller supports a high speed ethernet protocol or not. 

Looking forward to hear the solution from you !!


Attached Files
.robot   Motoman-MotoMini.robot (Size: 221.09 KB / Downloads: 45)
You should not change the port used for the communication between RoboDK and the Motoman MotoMini controller.

Did you properly establish the local network? Are you able to ping the robot? Are you able to connect to the robot using an FTP client such as FileZilla?
Yes we established the network and ping the IP.
We already have Filezilla in our system what should we do with it?
You can try connecting to the robot from your computer using FileZilla Client software.

You should enter the IP of the robot. Also, Yaskawa Motoman robot controllers usually require these credentials:
User name: rcmaster
Password: 99999999

However, these credentials can vary from one controller to another. Either way, FileZilla log will tell you if the controller is reachable.
Yes, we tested with the same credentials, as can be seen in the previous screenshots.
Are we correct? Or do we need to use this credential with Filezilla as well?
You can try connecting using FileZilla as well with those credentials.

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