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error while trying to generate a program with IRC5 post processor

Hi everyone,

I received the following error while trying to generate a program by using the post processor of "ABB_IRC5"

Failed to generate program "RhinoCrv" using the Post Processor "ABB_RAPID_IRC5"
Post processor path:C:/RoboDK/Posts/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\", line 1401, in
File "C:\RoboDK\Posts\", line 568, in ProgSave
File "C:\RoboDK\Posts\", line 378, in save_module
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:/Users/Dell/OneDrive/Documents/RoboDK/Programs//RhinoCrv.mod'

Process output:
Using Python version: sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=10, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
RoboDK Post Processor: C:/RoboDK/Posts
Total instructions: 1311
Done instruction: 50
Done instruction: 100
Done instruction: 150
Done instruction: 200
Done instruction: 250
Done instruction: 300
Done instruction: 350
Done instruction: 400
Done instruction: 450
Done instruction: 500
Done instruction: 550
Done instruction: 600
Done instruction: 650
Done instruction: 700
Done instruction: 750
Done instruction: 800
Done instruction: 850
Done instruction: 900
Done instruction: 950
Done instruction: 1000
Done instruction: 1050
Done instruction: 1100
Done instruction: 1150
Done instruction: 1200
Done instruction: 1250
Done instruction: 1300
Done instruction: 1250
Done instruction: 1300

Python Post Processor process exit code: 0

The simulation of the project works successfully, cannot tell if it's an error from python or maybe I didn't do my settings right.

Grateful to know any possible causes of this error.

Can you send us your RDK project file?

Do you have write access to the RoboDK programs folder?
Hi, Thanks for your reply,
I checked write access to the Robodk program folder, it has full control.

Attached Files
.rdk   Station1check.rdk (Size: 3.74 MB / Downloads: 93)
I'm unable to reproduce this issue and I obtain the surf1program.mod program file without issues. Can you try with the latest version of RoboDK?

You can also set the default settings before generating the program by following these steps:
  1. Select Tools-Options
  2. Select Set default settings

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