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hyperMILL Setup


I would like to set up hyperMILL plug-in, but the below link on RboDK documentation seems not to have any files to install.

Could you upload it here or on the documentation once it is ready?

Best Regards,
Hiroe Ota
We just added the missing file to our website. I also attached it here.

Let us know if you have any issues.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 241.67 KB / Downloads: 236)
Thank you for the file.

I noticed that hyperMILL has the version integrated with SOLIDWORKS.
Is RoboDK compatible with this type of product?

Best Regards,
Hiroe Ota
The RoboDK plugin for hyperMill was mostly developed and tested with hyperCAD-s which is the default CAD software from Open Mind.

I would assume that our plugin won't work out of the box from the hyperCAD plugin for SolidWorks but should work if you go through hyperCAD-s.

We also have a plugin for SolidWorks but it does not include CAM features...

Could someone share a sample of the APT format generated by the hyperMill add-in to be loaded into RoboDK software?
The format may vary slightly depending on APT.

Thank you!
I attached a sample APT file generated by hyperMILL.

This example is very basic and part of a large project we worked on. Let us know if you need more samples or help. Contacting hyperMILL may help obtain a compatible plugin for your version. The DLL we provide is for a specific version of hyperMILL (the same one mentioned in our documentation).

@Phillip can help you by providing more examples if you need.

Attached Files
.apt   Robot-Machining-Test-hyperMill-RoboDK.apt (Size: 4.34 KB / Downloads: 178)

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