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program call with passed parameters

Since I am very new to the software I have not figured out how it passes tool numbers or spindle speeds. When I create my robot program, RoboDK calls for to programs SetTool and SetRPM. But I do not know how to pass the values to the calls.

Any pointers or examples please.

Do you mean passing them to the robot controller, or passing them from the NC file to RoboDK?

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The robot program looks like it is trying to pass it to a sub routine. I have attached a screen shot of the message that appears when I simulate the program in RoboDk. When I generate a program for the robot, RoboDk adds in a CALL JOB SetRPM. What I am trying to figure out is how to get the speed value '10025.5' so I can handle it in my sub routines.
You need a specific post-processor to do so.
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Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel

Motoman post processor

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