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ur program generation with set reference lines

I use Universal Robot urp post processor to create urp file to transfer real UR5 robot.
when I check the created program, I see that all set references lines are converted to comment.

Is there a way to resolve that issue?
Hi Bakel,

As for now, the Universal Robot URP post-processor does not use relative positioning, all the positions are sent with respect to the robot base.
Every time you see a "set reference" line, this frame will be applied to the following motion/points to set them as absolute position rater then relative ones.

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(02-16-2021, 06:01 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Hi Bakel,

As for now, the Universal Robot URP post-processor does not use relative positioning, all the positions are sent with respect to the robot base.
Every time you see a "set reference" line, this frame will be applied to the following motion/points to set them as absolute position rater then relative ones.


Hi Jeremy,
Do you have any suggestion to transfer the references from Robodk to UR as feature planes? The manual procedure could work for me if it is a possibility. Relative positioning is a must for my project because of the mobility.

Hi Akel,

Do you own a RDK Pro license?
If you do you I can look into adding the relative reference for the URP post-processor.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel

Hi Jeremy,

For now, I have a full trial license to test the capabilities of the RoboDK. if it could not create relative planes (feature planes in UR), the post-processor functionality for UR is not sufficient to transfer the created simulation to the real-world environment.

Hi Akel,

It can do it, but using the normal Universal Robot post-processor using the .script format.

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