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using the FT300 with roboDK


We are using the UR10e for some simpel welding of plastics and we would like to do more complicated programs using RoboDK to program these. But I can't find any mention of an "exteral" force torque sensor and how to use it. 
we have a FT300 installed on the Cobot. But would this be a post proces thing and an application that would need to be writen for it or is there another way we need to use it? 
please point me in the right direction, thank you.
Hi Jupy,

I hope you are well.
That shouldn't be too hard to achieve.
Do you know the exact script command you need to use to activate the FT300?
Is it just a line in the script or does it need some initialization?

Best thing would be to have a small example code where the FT300 is in use (.script).

Hi Yeremy

Sorry I had to be clearer. I am Talking about the FT300 from Robotiq (
we Are doing welding with the robot but we are new to this an learing thins from youtube and trail and error. not realy at home in the world of coding.
was hoping the hive mind of the forums could help me.

Hi Jupy,

I was aware that you were talking about the FT300 force sensor from Robotiq.
I never used that tool personally, but I know that it can be controlled using the .script program format from UR.

I'm pretty sure you can find information on using the FT300 force sensor with .script file in the documentation/user manual.
If you don't you can always ask our friends at Robotiq.

As soon as you know where to find this information, simply post it here, I should be able to help you.


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