10-19-2018, 05:06 PM
My question is what exactly is the rotation system "UR(deg)" and "UR(rad)" in roboDK?
For example, after I import a UR5 robot from Library, I select UR5 Base frame, selecti reference position with respect to "New Station(1)", and I set all 6 position parameters to Zero.
Then I select UR(deg) position system. Now is still all zero. Without adding offset in distance, simplely apply following position parameters:
(0,0,0,90,0,0) = Rotation along X-axis for 90 degree, conter-clockwise (right hand rule).
(0,0,0,0,90,0) = Rotation along Y-axis for 90 degree, conter-clockwise (right hand rule).
(0,0,0,0,0,90) = Rotation along Z-axis for 90 degree, conter-clockwise (right hand rule).
So far it is all correct.
Then I try the input of (0,0,0,90,90,0), weird rotation appears.
According to UR5 rotation rule, it is using intrinsic Z-Y-X order. I would like to see [Assume when was (0,0,0,0,0,0), X-axis points forwards, Y-axis points left and Z-axis points upwards] a result of X-axis points downwards, Y-axis points forwards, and Z-axis points to right.
However, what I get is as atttached image. It rotates in a weird manner.
I cannot understand how does the rotation work for UR coordinate in RoboDK.
If it is not a bug, please explain to me, thank you so much.
Attached files:
1) 0,0,0.png : Just approve that the original point of view is correct and normal to Y-Z planes
2) 90,90,0.png : From exactly same point of view as 0,0,0.png, just by inputting (0,0,0,90,90,0).
My question is what exactly is the rotation system "UR(deg)" and "UR(rad)" in roboDK?
For example, after I import a UR5 robot from Library, I select UR5 Base frame, selecti reference position with respect to "New Station(1)", and I set all 6 position parameters to Zero.
Then I select UR(deg) position system. Now is still all zero. Without adding offset in distance, simplely apply following position parameters:
(0,0,0,90,0,0) = Rotation along X-axis for 90 degree, conter-clockwise (right hand rule).
(0,0,0,0,90,0) = Rotation along Y-axis for 90 degree, conter-clockwise (right hand rule).
(0,0,0,0,0,90) = Rotation along Z-axis for 90 degree, conter-clockwise (right hand rule).
So far it is all correct.
Then I try the input of (0,0,0,90,90,0), weird rotation appears.
According to UR5 rotation rule, it is using intrinsic Z-Y-X order. I would like to see [Assume when was (0,0,0,0,0,0), X-axis points forwards, Y-axis points left and Z-axis points upwards] a result of X-axis points downwards, Y-axis points forwards, and Z-axis points to right.
However, what I get is as atttached image. It rotates in a weird manner.
I cannot understand how does the rotation work for UR coordinate in RoboDK.
If it is not a bug, please explain to me, thank you so much.
Attached files:
1) 0,0,0.png : Just approve that the original point of view is correct and normal to Y-Z planes
2) 90,90,0.png : From exactly same point of view as 0,0,0.png, just by inputting (0,0,0,90,90,0).