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ABB IRC5 Post Processor


I'm in the process of configuring an ABB IRC5 to drive a thermoplastic extruder via an analog output. Would it be possible for me to get the latest version of RoboDK's IRC5 post processor?


Hi Jaren,

The latest version of the post-processor should be part of the latest version of RoboDK.
Updating the software should do the trick.

Is there anything I'm missing here?
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Hi Jeremy, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. 

I am currently operating under the assumption that the easiest way to configure an extruder for 3d printing is by modifying the appropriate post-processor in order to define extrusion rates, analog out ID #'s etc. When I navigate to Program --> Add/Edit Post Processor and open the ABB IRC5 processor, I can only seem to access the following screen:

Upon browsing the forums, I came across this thread which seems to indicate that post processor source code is no longer included with RoboDK by default, and must be requested.
OK, yes.

Are you using a professional license? If so you can go to "Help"->"Request support" and we will provide the post-processor.
Otherwise, let me know what is your situation.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel

It is my understanding that my research institution has a 6 month trial license with all professional features available. The Help->Request support button directs me to these forums. 

If you PM me your email address, I can forward you the email thread that contains the relevant discussion of our licensing details.

Thanks again,

Just sent you an email.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel


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