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AddPoints() function from API producing error

I'm trying to use the AddPoints() function from the API to add points to an object in my station. I have a list of points that were in a 1XN array where each element was a x,y,z coordinate. I used a loop to put the coordinates in a 3XN matrix since that is what the AddPoints() function accepts, but I'm getting an error from the script stating "points must be a 3XN or 6XN list or matrix". I have attached the error message and Python script.

This is the most updated Python script. I can't delete the old one

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.py (Size: 5.02 KB / Downloads: 258)
.rdk   TEST_coordinatetrans.rdk (Size: 3.25 MB / Downloads: 314)
.py (Size: 4.85 KB / Downloads: 254)
You can use RDK.AddPoints(POINTS, object_curbe, False, 0) directly.
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