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Changing the turn flags

image3.png    image2.png    image1.png    Hi.

It is my first time using RoboDK to simulate the Robot arm's motions.

When I used the "KUKA PRC program" (a Rhino Grasshopper plugin), the simulation went smoothly with no error.


the "Joint 5" is rotated 180 degrees when I import the ".src" file and run the script using RoboDK.
I'm pretty sure that it is because of the turn flags setup.

So, how can I change the number 100010 ?
It looks like you are importing SRC files. If you do so, make sure the tool ($TOOL) and reference frame ($BASE) are the same as defined in your program. If the base and tool are inlined in your SRC file they will be automatically extracted by RoboDK. Otherwise, you can manually enter the tool and reference frame.

Assuming this is correct, RoboDK has some tolerances to help you stay away from robot singularities. You can change this tolerance here:
Tools-Options-Motion-Tolerance to avoid wrist singularity (deg)

The turn flags are not the same as the configuration flags which is something that would provoke such error.

Can you share the RDK file and SRC files? We can better look into it.
Thank you for your suggestions.

As you asked, I attach the RDK and .src files.
you can find these two files when unzip the uploaded .zip file.

Attached Files
.zip   The (Size: 312.68 KB / Downloads: 659)

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