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Controling Robotiq 2f-85 through roboDK

Hello Jeremy,

I am trying to control a gripper (2f-85) through robodk. I have made a simulation for a process on robodk incoporation UR5 robot and It works fine. I am also able to move my real UR5 robot through RoboDK. I have used the mechanism Gripper that is available in the library. 

However, I am not able to get the gripper to open and close. I am using the 'Universal Robot Robotiq' post processor to generate the script program. However, when I import the program onto the Polyscope CB 3 controller and run it, I get an error.

Could you please help me regarding this? 

Hi Kratos,

"I get an error" is a bit vague.
What error exactly?

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel

Hi Jeremy,

I am trying to connect to Robotiq 2f-85 gripper through robodk but I get a failed connection. I have attached an image of the log file.



            Sorry, Here is the image.

You won't ever be able to connect to the gripper that way.
That would require a driver that doesn't exist for the moment.

Using the Universal Robots Robotiq post-processor will only affect code generated from RoboDK, not the live connection.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel


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