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Curve follow project


I don't get to choose the line between here .. (between 8 and 10 in picture 1, and after 10 in picture 2)

I have adjusted "pick curve sensibility (mm)" from 10.0 to 1.0, but it will not be selected ..

Best regards Kari

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Have you tried a smaller value than "1.0"?
If it doesn't work, can you join the RDK file?

Yes, I tried 0.1..

Sent the rdk station to you by mail because it is confidential.

Best regards Kari
Hi Kari,

There is a new update today that allows you to select small curves:

Make sure to reduce the curve pick tolerance to 1 mm or so (in Tools-Options-Display).


It worked with the new update. Thank you so much!

Best regards Kari

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