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Fanuc program with external axis


The generated roboDK program for Fanuc uses position register to define the user and the tool frame, that works fine with one group, but not with two groups (with external axis) the robot controller cannot read the values. Is there any configuration to allow the robot to reads that?


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For RoboDK to generate proper code using an external axis, the first step is to make sure the external axis is properly synchronized with the robot.
Did you do that?

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Hi Jeremy,
Yes, I have synchronized the external axis. the problem is just with the user frame which cannot be read in the robot using the position register, which makes the path in the wrong position.
OK, good.
The fact that you have the external axis synchronized should modify the behavior of the post-processor so that it includes the external axis.

Can you provide your station, the generated code, and potentially point out the code what you would want/need differently?

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