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From a Target to another avoiding collision

Hi, I try to avoid colllision from target 1(T1) to target 2 (T2) with a Comau NJ.
How can I do to modify path from T1 to T2 without change all program?
I have to insert another target between T1 and T2 or there is another speeder mothod? 

If you have a simple collision, for now, you need to add a new transition point in between.

We are currently working on a method to automatically avoid collisions like this, but it's not ready yet.

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(12-10-2020, 03:11 PM)Jeremy Wrote: If you have a simple collision, for now, you need to add a new transition point in between.

We are currently working on a method to automatically avoid collisions like this, but it's not ready yet.


Thanks for the answer!
Hi Sergio,

This is currently possible with our Collision free motion planner plugin:

We just released a new update that makes this plugin faster and gives you more options to customize the PRM algorithm.


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