11-14-2022, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2022, 06:39 PM by JohnMount.)
Hi, I am attempting to export my roboDK program to a Fanuc .LS file, but I am having trouble getting it to export the script in the correct User Frame. I have figured out the issue is in the generation of the generic language .py file found in the %temp% folder. The reference frame selected in the script (2_TopInboardUF) is not the user frame exported in the generic language file. The name is correct, but the pose relative to the robot base is not. See image refences below. Any ideas what could be causing this discrepancy?
Looks like the pictures didn't attach. Here they are
Ok I've been digging a little deeper on this. If I deselect "Force Original Pose" on the "Set Ref:" command, the correct reference frame gets assigned at the start of the .LS file but the points do not get transformed into that new reference frame. They remain in reference to the Solidworks origin regardless of what I do. I have tried dragging the points underneath different reference frames, changing the support frame for the points and all different combinations of nesting frames but nothings changes how the points are exported. I think I could write/edit a custom post processor to do this transformation (CAD origin to selected UF) but it seems like it should be native in the post processor to export points in the selected reference frame and tcp. Am I doing something wrong?
When I do that I get the following error (see attached screenshot). It looks like that changes the reference frame but the points still do not change and therefore the they are unreachable because they are going to the original pose in the changed reference frame.
The problem is probably that you are using a curve follow project and you moved the object instead of the coordinate system. This means that RoboDK will calculate the coordinate system for your controller as the combination of the reference frame plus the object position.
Instead, to properly have your coordinate system in your exported program you should apply a transformation to the geometry of your object/curve:
Double click the object you moved
Select the 3 bar button on the right of the object position
Select Cut pose
Select More options
Select the Paste on move geometry
Select Apply Move
If you selected curves in a curve follow project you may need to re-select them:
Double click your curve follow project, select "Select curve", Select "Done" without changing your selection.
Select Utilities-Update robot machining projects
Generate the program
If you can you share the RDK project file we can help you better.