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How to add a new robot

Salve sono nuovo utente
che ho progettato un nuovo robot e vorrei poterlo usare con roboDK
il problema e che non so come fare!
ho notato, scaricando i file dalla libreria del sito che tutti i robot sono estensione .robot
Dunque, come posso creare il mio file .robot per aprirlo con roboDK?
grazie in anticipo per il vostro aiuto
The following section of our documentation shows how to create new robot arms or mechanisms:
I must be missing something. I created a new station with a UR10e and a mounting plate. I've been trying to add a custom rotary to the station, and it keeps opening it showing up as a separate station.
You can right click a robot or a mechanism and save it as a .robot file. You can then add this robot file to any project and it won't open a new station.

You can also right click the root of your station, select Add Item and load an RDK project. This will open the whole project in your station.
Thank you.

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