(04-07-2022, 05:17 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Take a look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buM1feEP...Pr&index=7
Especially the last 10 minutes or so and let me know if it helps.
You need to make sure Modbus and Ethernet communication are activated on your controller.
Thanks for your suggestion!! Now I can connect my roboDk & TM5M-900 robot and there are furthermore questions I want to ask:
Because my license can only use RoboDK v4.0.1 educational version, so when I am connecting the robot, the interface is different from this video. After update the TM_driver from XXX , I click the button commend, I have four selection: get joints, get position, get tool position and get robot kinematic, but all these four selection will get error message and I don't know why.
I am wondering whether I can write the movement program in the TM flow and streaming on the RoboDK?
I have a sensor which is connected to TM controller, and I write the code in the TM flow, I use the function which is called touchstop, it means while I moving the robot and the robot trigger the sensor, it will send a high or low signal by DI and then robot will stop for a while, after few seconds it will keep moving. In this scenario, can I retrieve this sensor's IO statement in the RoboDK? because I want to use python which is PC base to run my algorithm and I need this IO on or off to discriminate the posture of robot.