Hi Vignesh,
1. OK, I didn't think you needed to do it all dynamically.
The machining project won't accept the DXF directly, it needs to go through an open source software called "DXF2Gcode".
You can try it out by creating a simple station (robot, tcp, one reference frame) and drag-drop the .dxf to RoboDK.
That will automatically call for DXF2Gcode to translate the dxf into an NC code RoboDK can understand. The DXF2Gcode parameters are important, it will set things like "retraction height", "number of passes", etc.
I think that if you use the API to simply "Open" the dxf file, it should trigger the same process as doing it manually.
2. That would be in the DXF2Gcode parameters if it's there.
On another note, I know of a customer that create a Python script to automatically extract the path from a dxf and feed it to a Curve Follow project.
I don't have the details on how he did exactly, but I just open a DXF file in a text editor and it doesn't seem that complicated. Dxf is a relatively standard format used by many machines/software for things like laser cutting. It's potentially the same as the svg format though... Never really took the time to play with it.
But in the end, if you want the knife to follow the path direction, you need to feed the data to either a Robot Machining or Curve Follow project.
Robot Machining project accepts NC format (.gcode, .nc, .apt) and the Curve Follow project accepts list of points (xyzijk) as a curve.
You'll find more information in my answer to this thread:
Have a great day.