Hello, it was possible for me to feed roboDK with the machining Data of my CAM software. I imported the curve with x, y, z, i, j, k and it works. But I want to add a tool Orientation for every single point of the imported curve. For our tasks it would be usefull to feed roboDK with a list of x, y, z, i, j, k, rotation_around_z. Is there a way to do this or a workaround? Thanks in advance. Best Regards Alex
Thank you Jeremy for your fast reply.
I looked up the options in Robot Machining Project.
If I understand it correctly, it's only possible to enter a constant rot(z) or to choose special options like follow path.
Follow path rot(z) can be ok sometimes,
but in my case I am searching for a possibillity to have full control over rot(z) individually for every single curve element.
I tried it out. This works. Thank you.
I Just have to change the degree value of the third rotation (Yellow colored box).
A Python Macro would be nice:
Deleting the double commands and automaticly fill in the Degree-Value provided from txt-list or CSV-List.
Even if I am not customer, because my company has to decide which robot software to pick, maybe it helps other users as well.
It requires importing the full pose given Euler angles or UVW rotation vector (not ijk vector, which is the tool Z axis and not a full pose constrain).
On the other hand, if you have ijk vector (tool Z axis) you can use the function point_Zaxis_2_pose: https://robodk.com/doc/en/PythonAPI/robo...xis_2_pose
This will give you a pose, then, you can rotate around Z given your additional parameter.