07-06-2022, 06:55 PM
Hello. I am trying to study how to put a GUI on a program using this https://robodk.com/doc/en/PythonAPI/exam...amming-gui. I am testing it on a weld simulation, but it is not working. I would appreciate the help so I can better understand how to use Pythong API on RoboDK.
When I run the program, I get this and I don't understand it:
This is the offline programming GUI example from RoboDK that I am experimenting:
When I run the program, I get this and I don't understand it:
PS C:\Users\Andrew L. Nguyen> & C:/RoboDK/Python37/python.exe "c:/Users/Andrew L. Nguyen/AppData/Local/Temp/Prog2_4.py"
Invalid item provided: The item identifier provided is not valid or it does not exist.Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\RoboDK\Python37\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1705, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "c:/Users/Andrew L. Nguyen/AppData/Local/Temp/Prog2_4.py", line 143, in ExecuteChoice
File "c:/Users/Andrew L. Nguyen/AppData/Local/Temp/Prog2_4.py", line 51, in RunProgram
poseref = target.Pose()
File "C:\RoboDK\Python\robodk\robolink.py", line 4307, in Pose
File "C:\RoboDK\Python\robodk\robolink.py", line 764, in _check_status
raise Exception(self.LAST_STATUS_MESSAGE)
Exception: Invalid item provided: The item identifier provided is not valid or it does not exist.
This is the offline programming GUI example from RoboDK that I am experimenting:
# This example shows how RoboDK and the Python GUI tkinter can display graphical user interface to customize program generation according to certain parameters
# This example is an improvement of the weld Hexagon
# More information about the RoboDK API here:
# https://robodk.com/doc/en/RoboDK-API.html
from robodk.robolink import * # API to communicate with RoboDK
from robodk.robomath import * # robodk robotics toolbox
# Set up default parameters
PROGRAM_NAME = "DoWeld" # Name of the program
APPROACH = 300 # Approach distance
RADIUS = 200 # Radius of the polygon
SPEED_WELD = 50 # Speed in mn/s of the welding path
SPEED_MOVE = 200 # Speed in mm/s of the approach/retract movements
SIDES = 8 # Number of sides for the polygon
DRY_RUN = 1 # If 0, it will generate SprayOn/SprayOff program calls, otherwise it will not activate the tool
RUN_MODE = RUNMODE_SIMULATE # Simulation behavior (simulate, generate program or generate the program and send it to the robot)
# use RUNMODE_SIMULATE to simulate only
# use RUNMODE_MAKE_ROBOTPROG to generate the program
# use RUNMODE_MAKE_ROBOTPROG_AND_UPLOAD to generate the program and send it to the robot
# Main program
def RunProgram():
# Use default global variables
global RADIUS
global SIDES
global DRY_RUN
global RUN_MODE
# Any interaction with RoboDK must be done through RDK:
RDK = Robolink()
# get the home target and the welding targets:
home = RDK.Item('Home')
target = RDK.Item('Target Reference')
# get the robot as an item:
robot = RDK.Item('', ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT)
# impose the run mode
# set the name of the generated program
RDK.ProgramStart(PROGRAM_NAME, "", "", robot)
# get the pose of the reference target (4x4 matrix representing position and orientation):
poseref = target.Pose()
# move the robot to home, then to an approach position
robot.MoveJ(transl(0, 0, APPROACH) * poseref)
# make an polygon of n SIDES around the reference target
for i in range(SIDES + 1):
ang = i * 2 * pi / SIDES #angle: 0, 60, 120, ...
# Calculate next position
posei = poseref * rotz(ang) * transl(RADIUS, 0, 0) * rotz(-ang)
# Impose weld speed only for the first point
if i == 0:
# Set weld speed and activate the gun after reaching the first point
if not DRY_RUN:
# Activate the spray right after we reached the first point
robot.RunCodeCustom("SprayOn", INSTRUCTION_CALL_PROGRAM)
# Stop the tool if we are not doing a dry run
if not DRY_RUN:
robot.RunCodeCustom("SprayOff", INSTRUCTION_CALL_PROGRAM)
# move back to the approach point, then home:
robot.MoveL(transl(0, 0, APPROACH) * poseref)
# Provoke program generation (automatic when RDK is finished)
# Use tkinter to display GUI menus
from tkinter import *
# Generate the main window
root = Tk()
root.title("Program settings")
# Use variables linked to the global variables
runmode = IntVar()
runmode.set(RUN_MODE) # setting up default value
dryrun = IntVar()
dryrun.set(DRY_RUN) # setting up default value
entry_name = StringVar()
entry_speed = StringVar()
# Define feedback call
def ShowRunMode():
print("Selected run mode: " + str(runmode.get()))
# Define a label and entry text for the program name
Label(root, text="Program name").pack()
Entry(root, textvariable=entry_name).pack()
# Define a label and entry text for the weld speed
Label(root, text="Weld speed (mm/s)").pack()
Entry(root, textvariable=entry_speed).pack()
# Define a check box to do a dry run
Checkbutton(root, text="Dry run", variable=dryrun, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, height=5, width=20).pack()
# Add a display label for the run mode
Label(root, text="Run mode", justify=LEFT, padx=20).pack()
# Set up the run modes (radio buttons)
runmodes = [("Simulate", RUNMODE_SIMULATE), ("Generate program", RUNMODE_MAKE_ROBOTPROG), ("Send program to robot", RUNMODE_MAKE_ROBOTPROG_AND_START)]
for txt, val in runmodes:
Radiobutton(root, text=txt, padx=20, variable=runmode, command=ShowRunMode, value=val).pack(anchor=W)
# Add a button and default action to execute the current choice of the user
def ExecuteChoice():
global DRY_RUN
global RUN_MODE
DRY_RUN = dryrun.get()
RUN_MODE = runmode.get()
SPEED_WELD = float(entry_speed.get())
PROGRAM_NAME = entry_name.get()
# Run the main program once all the global variables have been set
Button(root, text='Simulate/Generate', command=ExecuteChoice).pack()
# Important to display the graphical user interface