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Painting a part in motion

Hello Dear! I have Conveyour line with the constant speed 4m/min and Fanuc robot. How I can paint part in motion ? Thank you !

Attached Files
.rdk   Conveyor2.rdk (Size: 2.58 MB / Downloads: 483)
Hi s_50,

I just found a solution for you.
My colleague will take the time to make a small step by step for you as the process is not trivial.

(10-02-2020, 02:44 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Hi s_50,

I just found a solution for you.
My colleague will take the time to make a small step by step for you as the process is not trivial.


Thank you Jeremy! 
Waiting your answer! 
Will be very helpful!
Hi s_50,

Here is a step by step solution, I hope this is what you were looking for.

I also attached the modified station so you can look at it in more details.


Attached Files
.rdk   Conveyor2-WithNewPath.rdk (Size: 2.6 MB / Downloads: 465)
It was very helpful!
On Robo Dk now its clean, but now how can I use these on Robot? How robot will see the position of these targets?
Is there possibility to calculate with RoboDK the position of targets with considering of motion of the part?
Dear friends
I mean: my robot is not connected to conveyor, but I do need to make these operations in motion, so I think there is some possibility of RoboDK to automatically calculate the position of targets, considering of the motion.
On the example you send me is very beautiful, but unfortunately I cannot use these in real robot. Please help me to find the way to work with RoboDK
Thanks allot!
Hi s_50, 

I hope you are well. 

There are many approaches to such a problem. 

Quote:so I think there is some possibility of RoboDK to automatically calculate the position of targets, considering of the motion.

Yes, using the API, you could calculate the predicted position of a target with respect to the base considering a certain speed. 
These would be theoretical in a way that any speed variation in the system (conveyor or robot) would break the prediction.  

But here's another solution:
Quote:On the example you send me is very beautiful, but unfortunately I cannot use these in real robot.

I do not agree with you on the one. I think you can use most of the program generated by RoboDK and that you can implement the same strategy as Oliver.

What Oliver did was "simple". 
He generated the program with respect to a reference frame (let's call it RF).
Therefore, the position of each and every point of the program is directly linked to the position of RF. 
So if you constantly update the position of RF considering a defined conveyor speed, all the positions in your program will be updated. 

I think it would be best to update the position of RF with some separated thread on the robot controller (if that's an option for you) and simply run the program in another one. This solution would remove the robot speed form the possible problem as the called position is not affected by the robot movement, just by the conveyor. 

I think that you can easily also remove that variable, or in fact, control that variable by simply adding an encoder on the conveyor and using the speed to accurately calculate the position of the part. 

Dear Jeremy
First of all I want to thank you for your answers!
Shute I understand that you all make grate job for helping Us
Oliver demonstrate a great possibility of RoboDK
Thanks for him!
But my problem is:
Unfortunately I cannot connect encoder to robot, and I don’t need.
Problem is when I export the program to robot, robot doesn’t understand that’s RF is moves
I need to export the points already calculated with the motion of the part
Please help me with these
I think these problems have allot of people, because many of them needs to do operations in motion, without loosing the time to make it online programming. RoboDK is very comfortable for offline programming, but there’s no any tutorial how to programm in motion on endepended conveyor.
Or if it’s possible to make API so how we can do that? Because my speed is never change, and it will be great for me to fix these problem by automatic calculations or predict of the position.
Thank you dear for helping Us
Regards all team!
Hi s_50,

Yes, the API can help you estimate the position of each target depending on the speed of the conveyor.
I still don't think it's the best practice.

If you are using a FANUC robot as you used in the RDK station you sent, you should be able to modify the position of the RF during the program.

Here's the documentation related to RoboDK API:

Thank you Jeremy !
But how I have to save programm in API 
As in Example Oliver make ( Its very beautiful ) I make My own simple programm please look attach.
Its just vertical line 
Now I need to generated these programm LS for Fanuc, but in Code i have to have line not vertical, but diaganal because i have conveyor motion, but in code i see just one changes of point its 3rd ( vertical) 
How I can save the programm with calcullations of motion of Conveyor? 
It will helps allot not only for me.
Thank you Dear!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.rdk   Conveyor2-sample.rdk (Size: 2.59 MB / Downloads: 444)

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