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Points Follow Project(Get the failed points list)0220

Hello All,

I am a freshmen for robodk. PFP is wonderful for me.

Points are imported as (X/Y/ Z /I /J/ K) TXT format, the I use a .PY file to auto set certain parameters of PFP and get a robot program. As attached RDK file, there are two points(different normals) within the object 'target'. 
I count it by eye(manuelly) that which one  could NOT be reached, and whitch one is successfully reached.

BUT , if I have 200 points imported, I need to summarize the exact points are which are not reachable. It is terrible.

My question : if it is possible with the python API command, could I get a successfull points list and a failed points list for all the points in PFP? I meant, I need to seperate them automaticlly by script.

Thanks for your team.

.rdk   3D_Point follow_0220.rdk (Size: 2.2 MB / Downloads: 286)
By mixing this:
or this:

with this command : int(target.setParam("Reachable"))

You should be able to identify which points are reachable or not.

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Hello Jeremy,
Much appreicated for your promt relpy! I learned a lot from your youtube channel. You are very nice.  Thank you.

Acctually, my problem is to create robot target only with XYZIJK (TXT data).
I know I could not create robot target directlly  by using only XYZIJK( only normal of the point included, but lack of constrains for rotz()) .
So, by using a workaround method, PFP is refered. Because PFP maybe have certain constrains for rotz() and could create prog then by using selecting target (right click on the MOVL instructions) to create robot target.

Is there a direct Python instruction that will have this similar result to create robot target like PFP(make certain constrains to rotz) ? If so, I will directlly create robot target by XYXIJK and then checking the reachablilty of target.

All of my points data like following : XYZ IJK


Thank again if you could take some time to look into it. Perhaps it is much easier for you guys, but I have been blocked here now, I think.
Thanks for your kind words regarding the YouTube tutorials.

I understood what you were trying to do.
I know that in theory, you are missing information to create the targets.
You can follow the proposed method and simply constrain the Rotz to the orientation giving you the longest range.

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