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Position unreachable - Linear Rail - Fanuc

Thanks for your reply.
I've sent the project and a drawing to clear up the 90 degrees rotation.
You sent it to me? Because I didn't receive anything.

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That's strange, I used two email addresses I received from the RoboDK distributer in The Netherlands.
Anyway: Your reply made me double check a few things:
The visibility of the robot-frame was turned off. The visibility of the wagon of the rail was turned on and I misinterpreted this frame as if it were the robot-frame. In fact, the (invisible) robot-frame was rotated 180 degrees around the Z-axis.
After correction, and teaching the fixed targets again, the program runs now in RoboGuide.
Next step is to re-master the Joint_1 axis of the real robot and test the new files generated by RoboDK.

Great improvement!
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