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Possibility to automatically deactivate the license?

Hi out there. 

So I am sharing my RoboDK network license with my colleagues in the company, when I do not use RoboDK. However, is there an automatic deactivate license function, when you close down RoboDK?

If not, please add this to the feature request list :) Thanks in advance.
With RoboDK 5.2 or newer, you should see this to activate or deactivate the license. 


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You should select Deactivate on the computer that you've setup your license so you can use the license on another computer.

The license is not Deactivated automatically when you close RoboDK.
        Can anyone tell me how to deactivate a networked license in v5.2.1. 

I don't see the "Activate/Deactivate" buttons.
I just got back to you by email with more information about your license and the version of RoboDK you can use.

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