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Programs produced by RoboDK for 3D print on KUKA KR6 (KRC4) cannot be selected

Hi Jeremy,

I have a couple of problems having now successfully made network connection between the Robot and RoboDK :

Firstly, the programs created by RoboDK (3d printing) cannot be selected on the HMI. (All teach-in programs created on the Robot select and work ok in all modes on the Robot). They appear to be .src files and the format looks ok. I have also tried using KRC2 & 4 posts as suggested by Albert...but makes no difference.( I have sent screen shots to Albert as they are too large to attach on this forum) Please help as I need to get this platform working now.

Secondly, When trying to control the robot motion from RoboDk it is very jerky, erratic and unpredictable is there something that can be done to rectify this in the settings ??

Hopefully you can get the screen shot from Albert and give me some info to retify these issues by return.

Many Thanks

Hi Andy,

Can you send me the screen shot here? I would prefer keeping the whole conversation here so that if other users experiment the same situation, they will be able to solve it by following this thread.

I'm sure you can find a way to reduce the size of the pictures.
You can try to simply save them as .jpg instead of .png, it should help a lot.

Have a good day.
Hi Jeremy,

Please find the two zipped screen shot files as requested. I am sure it is only something simple but if you can assist me that would be great. As I said previously, Albert suggested using the KRC2 post processor. I have used both KRC2 & KRC4 posts for the KRC4 HMI but neither will allow selection of the program produced by RoboDK.

As you can see any teach-in type program produced on the robot selects and runs just fine.

Look forward to your suggestions by return.

Many Thanks


Attached Files
.zip   RoboDK File no (Size: 309.16 KB / Downloads: 606)
.zip   Teach in with (Size: 255.28 KB / Downloads: 591)
Hey Andy,
do you think you could upload the actual program files (both of them) so we can possibly compare them?
Just in case you have the option to work with WorkVisual, you could load the program into your project there and see what the compiler is saying. I can not be sure, but it is quite possible that it is more a KRL issue than a RoboDK problem. As I said, maybe you can upload the programs or maybe even the RoboDK files.
HI Jeremy,

Please find a couple of Kuka KR6 Robot 'teach-in test progs that select and work fine  test2 & 3.src then I have done a couple of really simple ones on RoboDK which do not select or run Robodktest progkrc2 & 4.src using the two different post processors. I have saved and uploaded them to you on the forum as .txt files for comparison.

Look forward to your thoughts asap.

Many Thanks for all your help.


Attached Files
.txt   test2.txt (Size: 4.44 KB / Downloads: 738)
.txt   test3.txt (Size: 6.1 KB / Downloads: 664)
.txt   RoboDKtest progkrc2pp.txt (Size: 1.05 KB / Downloads: 602)
.txt   RoboDKtest progkrc4pp.txt (Size: 1.53 KB / Downloads: 679)
Hi Andy,

It looks like there is a space in the declaration of the program:
DEF KUKAManualtestprog1 krc4( )

You should remove it. Did you manually modify the file? RoboDK default post processors remove empty spaces.

If you can provide the RDK file we can better help you troubleshoot. Also a picture showing the error messages on the robot controller.

Hi Albert,

I will email you the Robodk src files as they cannot be attached to the forum.

In answer to your question I used the default post that was supplied with the software ie. KRC4 AND KRC2
I did not try any other iterations of the KRC 2&4 posts that were also available as I am not sure what these alternatives offer

I will do another simple example on RoboDk create the program try it on the Robot. If it does not select I will send you all files as set and perhaps you can ascertain what the problems are. I will also send screen captures of the error messages. Further to your enquiry, no, I had no reason to modify the files manually.

Thanks for all your help will send the files imminently.

Best Wishes

Hi Andy,

Albert asked for the RDK file, not the src file.

Have a great day.
Hi Jeremy,

Yes, I have sent him the RDK file for a very simple 'hello world' example. The generated code for which cannot be selected on the HMI. I also sent him screen images of messages etc. Files ebven when compressed were too large to upload to forum so I guess you will have to upload from your end for others to see the thread.

Have a great day

Just post the RDK file here,
It's way simpler for us and the community to help you this way.

You can use a Google drive link if the files are too big, but most RDK file fit pretty well on the forum, except if you put ridiculously big CAD files in your station.

We receive hundreds of emails every day.
It's not the best way to reach us for that kind of question.
We keep the email for IP sensitive questions that are attached to professional licenses, not to educational licenses.


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