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Python API parameters

Hi everyone,

I am quite new to RoboDK, and I was wondering if it was possible to get more information about the list of libraries that are used in the Python API.
For example, in your example Continuous-Parts-Conveyor-Infeed, the function uses a raise Exception line 49, and I don't understand where the % PICKABLE_OBJECTS_KEYWORD is coming from.

Does somebody know about it?

#2 is waiting for an object containing the name 'Part', as described by PICKABLE_OBJECTS_KEYWORD. If no object is found, it throws.
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Hi Sam,

I understand what you mean, but I don't know where the PICKABLE_OBJECTS_KEYWORD comes from. What is it exactly?

And I also saw a problem during running the code. The error I am given is: 'Item' object has no attribute count in line 42. Would you have any explanation?

Thank you.

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