06-09-2023, 07:29 AM
I found a repeatable problem in RoboDK;
The Listen-node on TM12 works fine with RoboDK on-line, as described in the guide https://robodk.com/doc/en/Robots-Omron-T...-StartProg
But wherever I put an I/O command, it is well executed on Digital Output of robot TM12,
but RoboDK loose the connection immediately and always...
At this point a manual Reconnect is necessary and result is always immediately successful.
May be with I/O instructions the RoboDK do not receive the expected answer...
but note that the Digital Ouput is set correctly on robot.
Can you verify this problem ?
Our trial is almost expired and we cannot buy a robodk licence with this bug, because make the tool useless for our project.
I found a repeatable problem in RoboDK;
The Listen-node on TM12 works fine with RoboDK on-line, as described in the guide https://robodk.com/doc/en/Robots-Omron-T...-StartProg
But wherever I put an I/O command, it is well executed on Digital Output of robot TM12,
but RoboDK loose the connection immediately and always...
At this point a manual Reconnect is necessary and result is always immediately successful.
May be with I/O instructions the RoboDK do not receive the expected answer...
but note that the Digital Ouput is set correctly on robot.
Can you verify this problem ?
Our trial is almost expired and we cannot buy a robodk licence with this bug, because make the tool useless for our project.