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Is it not possible to snap surfaces? I have a hard time interact with your 3D graphical window.
This is the fist 3D program i have ever used without possibility to snap edges, surfaces, centrum or origin.
Since the import function is quiet bad and all models i try to import end up loosing all data except surfaces an a position according to zero world frame.
I don't know how to define new frames on the models. I am not sure to 100% were the models are located according to world frame so i can not set the frames by numbers.
And aligning frames to orientation is also impossible.

Tell me please, how is this procedure to be done according to robotDK?

I'm not so sure to understand your question. I don't really have any issue importing 3D models or interacting with them.
What do you mean by "snap surface"? Like an assembly?
What kind of data are you using when importing the 3D model?

Can you provide some print screen or video recording to better present the issues you are experiencing?

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Sorry, I might have been a bit unclear. I only had a couple of minute to write the question.
I will try to explain.

I am actually searching solution for two of my issue. The two issue is nested, so the second issue could (or should ) have been a workaround for the first.

So, first issue; When I try to import Step files (please see attached picture 1) RDK freeze and try to consume all my memory liked cookies until it crashes.

I have tried to take my 3D models into Inventor firs, and use RDK's Inventor plugin. 
The plugin can not handle .iam file apparently, witch making the plugin almost as useful as the DVD rewinder.

if i use Inventor and export to different file format i get different issues every time.
.iges only give me process points from the model (rivet nuts).
.stl only model, no color no process points, no anything.
I have also tried Spinnfire to convert to different format. no luck, only .stl seems to be good enough but still far from what I would like. (attached picture 3)

Well, i have something at least so i figured out i could take your robot models and put in the same place as my model. And rebuild the cell with som of mine some of yours. And in that way i don't have to redo the kinematics on the robots.

Second issue; So how do I place your robots in the same position and direction as mine? If i don't know the position of my robots? 
One way is to measure ( because in measure you have snap). But measure, write the coordinates on a paper, shift to robot position to write it there again seems like something from the "Flint Stones".

(Oh, and please watch the attached movie, done in one of your rival robot sim software). 

Another way would be to open the cell in my other robot sim program, look up the values there and manually transfer coordinates to your software, again 
But I want to be able to do it in your program. I don't want to be dependent by several other sim program to make yours work.

it would be nice if i could take the mouse pointe and hoover over the surface on the underside of my robot and it will auto-select center of robot like in other program. But that is not possible right now, so i figured there must be another procedure to fix this. I cant be the first one.
Please tell me how you should have solve this!?
(attached picture 2)

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.mp4   Snap.mp4 (Size: 1.63 MB / Downloads: 359)

OK, I better understand now. 

People generally don't bring station in one blow to RoboDK, you bring in the object separately or in a small group to be able to move them at will afterward. By importing it all at once you are kind of hand caughting yourself from the get-go. But if you want to go down that path, you can change the import settings to make it smaller to import. 
"Tools"->"Options"->"CAD"->"Fast Import settings". 
I don't really see why you want to import the 3D model of the robot in a robot simulation software. It just increases the size of the file for something you will delete as soon as it's imported. People will generally just leave the robot stand/pedestal and remove the robots before importing from the CAD software. 

Quote:If i don't know the position of my robots? 

That would be weird for a robotic project don't you think? But anyway. 

If you want to know where to position the base reference of the robot, you can use the "Measurement tool". You should be able to find the position of the robot stand. Simply copy that position and apply it to the robot base reference frame. The last thing to do is adjusting the angle.  


If your sand 3D model origin does not match the origin of the station, you need to uncheck "Absolute". 

Hope it helps. 

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Yea, it could be the case that your users normally don't do that.
But it is not the first time I simulate an old (already existing) cell build by other line builders. And something tells me it wont be the last either.

Reason to import the robots is to know where they are located and what kind of frames is used. Station zero, car frame other frame?! For sure, i promise you, the robot will go as soon as i have replaced them. 

Yes, it would be strange not to know the position ( maybe should have done another imaginary case for you). But what you say is only snap function is in the measurement tools then. Ok, then i know.

What about 3D import? RDK's Inventor plugin and .iam?
Loss of  my process locations? Any suggestions?
Hi there,

Quick reply, the Inventor plugin is on this week's bug list.

Import 3D, did you try the fast-import settings as suggested?
RoboDK's strength is not his 3D engine, that's a fact that we don't hide. Any 3D model bigger than 150 Mb will give you trouble for sure if you try to import it in one blow.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel


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