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Set up Axes and Turntable Optimisation in Machining Project (API)

Hey all,

I have been going through the API trying to identify how to set up a machining project using a synchronised external turntable as shown below. The main features I need are to be able to set up the Axes Optimization and the Turntable Optimization. I did manage to find the flag to activate the Optimize turntable checkbox but not the Keep pos. checkbox under that. I also found where to set up the Axes Optimization for the robot but this does not seem to carry over or become active with a project Axes Optimization. Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

RoboDK Positioner Project Settings.PNG   
We just added this option using the key name:

This is treated like a boolean.

Make sure to update RoboDK to the latest version (Windows 64 bit).

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