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TOOL and UFRAME Motoman robot

im trying to import manual JBI file to DX100. i use motoman post processor. it succed import but when i play it, DX100 couldnt play it and the pendant showed alarm 4438 [0] : undifined JOB. and i open the program, i think here is the part of the program that cannot difined by the DX100
do you have any solution for this?

and i see in the instruction, that i need Tool.CND and Uframe.CND if want to import manually JBI file to DX100 motoman. is this still related to to my problem?

Thank you
These are events that are automatically generated from the G-code or APT file you imported for robot machining.

You can control the behavior of these function calls in the program events menu of your robot machining project. You can find more information here:

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