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Trouble loading tools from online library

Whenever I try to mount a tool on the robot, I get collision detected, robot stopped warning.
I have no other objects loaded in the workspace, so this should not be happening.
I am able to load custom tools, and use them fine.
But loading tools from online library is generating the collision warning. I am able to load the weld gun from the local library, but nothing else works.
The same thing is happening for all the robots.
Please help with this issue.
This is very odd. Can you provide the links or a robot and a tool from the online library that have this issue when paired together?
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Robot: ABB-IRB-120-3-0-6
Tool: Generic-Welding-Gun-Through-arm
I can't load this tool on this robot.
In fact, I am unable to connect any of the tools from the online library to any of the robots.
Please see attachments for more info.
Your assistance will be much appreciated.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Please update!!
Check the collision map (SHIFT+X) and ensure the pair J6 / Tool is not active.

More information on collision detection in this video:
Please read the Forum Guidelines before posting!
Find useful information about RoboDK by visiting our Online Documentation.
This worked! Thank you so much.
I don't know why this column was checked by default. It shouldn't be!!
Anyway! Thank you again for your timely response.

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