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Understanding Mitsubishi Robot on linear rail

Hi Forum,

i have a small simulation(see attachment). When I create the program for the robot, I only see the instructions for the Mitsubishi. Where are or how can I get the instructions for the linear axis?

Is it possible to program a Kuka linear axis and a Mitsubishi RV7 robot synchronously online with RoboDk? 

Thank you in advance,


Attached Files
.rdk   Example.rdk (Size: 900.73 KB / Downloads: 469)
Hi Thomas, 

First, you need to set the direction of the external axis properly. 
By default, RoboDK considers the linear rail will move along the X-axis. 
As you use the Y-axis instead, you need to change that option. 

Axis Compensation mitsubichi.PNG   

For now, our post-processor for Mitsubishi du not support external axes, but we can add it. 
Do you have an example program where the Mitsuvbshi controller drives an external axis?
It can be a simple small piece of code where you use MoveJ and MoveL with the external axis. 


Attached Files
.rdk   Example.rdk (Size: 897.7 KB / Downloads: 1,754)
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HI Jeremy,

thanks for your answer and your help. No, I do not have an example. Im a newbie to roboDK and also to robots :-)

I work in the research & development department of an automotive supplier. In our department we need a way to measure planar and curved shapes. During my research I found roboDk on the internet. This seems like a promising approach to me. Unfortunately, I'm running out of time as I only have 30 days to test roboDK. Perhaps an extension of the trial time is possible?
The linear axis came to mind to save some space, as we have to measure surfaces that are about 1.4m long. Similar to the above attached example. I didn't want to use a suitably large robot.

BTW, with the trial version it is not possible to edit the parameters.

Best regards,
Hi Thomas,

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HI Jeremy,

again i face with an issue regarding 2 axis and their directions. I build a mechanism (T-Bot). The first axis works as expected but the second doesn't. Could you please take a look at the attached rdk. The direction of the z Axis is wrong. As you show in the above picture I want to change then compensation, but i did not found this feature in my parameters of the mechanism. What's my error?


Attached Files
.rdk   X_Z_Axis.rdk (Size: 2.81 MB / Downloads: 523)
Hi Thomas, 

Creating Tbot can be a bit tricky.
We should release a tutorial on the subject in the near future, it's already recorded, only need final editing. 

But in the meantime, this should help. 


I also recommend you export the 3D model from the CAD software with the robot at its Zero position. 


Attached Files
.rdk   X_Z_Axis.rdk (Size: 2.84 MB / Downloads: 495)
Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel

Hi Jeremy,

thanks again for your fast help. I play around with the different parameters and create many crazy TBots :-) Finally the additional reference frame seems to be the right way to get the correct solution. A tutorial seems to be a good idea.

Best regards,

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