I calibrated our cell but have a huge error. With the "follow tracker" option unchecked, the laser was exactly where it needed to be on 65 out of 70 points. Am I missing something obvious, or is there a huge outlier that's throwing me off?
We have a rotary axis but I deleted it from the station so I could do the arm calibration.
See files attached, thanks!
Just realized I can click through and see the errors. I remeasured point 26 (error was 64mm), now the error is 0.372mm. Updated report attached.
Now to add the rotary axis, do I just model mechanism to add it to the cell, then define the mechanism, and I'm good to go? Or do I need some kind of handshake with the calibrated arm?
We have a rotary axis but I deleted it from the station so I could do the arm calibration.
See files attached, thanks!
Just realized I can click through and see the errors. I remeasured point 26 (error was 64mm), now the error is 0.372mm. Updated report attached.
Now to add the rotary axis, do I just model mechanism to add it to the cell, then define the mechanism, and I'm good to go? Or do I need some kind of handshake with the calibrated arm?