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point follow project python

Hi, I would like to adjust what is already programmed as a PointFollow project in Robodk.

Is the python code available for adjustment?

Or can  I have it? 

Second question. 

a robot program is created automatically when I insert points from inventor.

In Python, how can I access the points from the program?

I want to create targets from the points, but they are not set as a target automatically. 
I want to work with these targets later on.


For example I want to create target from MoveL 3 and MoveL 4

Thanks very much
What do you mean by "adjusting"?
Changing the default parameters? If so you should take a look at this example:

You can manually create the target by selecting one or more "MoveL X" and pressing "Select target".
I think you can reach the same result with:

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yes, I do create targets manually by clicking by mouse + Select target.

when I use standard point follow program, where shall I paste
Normally there is no pathon script in the tree.

when using point follow program, I like how the program is automatically structured and generated.
I want to do something similar, but with the different sequence of points and twisted logic.

therefore having the python code of point follow program would be superb inspiration to do my specific task.
Take a look at this video:
Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel


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