05-15-2020, 02:40 PM
I am currently trying to acces the instruction parameters in a program from the Python API. I would like to do something similar to this example: https://robodk.com/doc/en/PythonAPI/examples.html#id5.
But the example doesn't work for me when I run it as it is.
I get the following output.
It looks like prog.setParam(ins_id) returns a string when it is supposed to return a dict.
Is the example still up to date?
I am on RoboDK version 4.0.2
Thank you,
I am currently trying to acces the instruction parameters in a program from the Python API. I would like to do something similar to this example: https://robodk.com/doc/en/PythonAPI/examples.html#id5.
But the example doesn't work for me when I run it as it is.
I get the following output.
Program selected: gcode_example
Instruction: 0
(ItemCommand) (ItemParameter) (description)<br>Approach (Normal|Tangent|Side|XYZ|NTS|ArcN|ArcS A B C) Set the approach or retract of a robot machining toopath<br>ApproachRetractAllCurves (1|0) For curve follow projects: Apply approach and retract to each curve section.<br>BoundingBox Returns the bounding box of this object, robot or tool a JSON string, in mm and with respect to station coordinates (absolute)<br>Cutter (1|0) Set this tool as a cutter: it is treated accordingly when using a robot machining project.<br>DisplayThreshold (double) Do not display small object of a given size (size as a percentage of the screen). Set to -1 to always display everything.<br>FilterMesh (double double double) Remove small object triangles given a tolerance [min part size (mm), min triangle surface (mm2), triangle angle (deg)].<br>JoinCurveTol (double) For curve follow projects: Join curve tolerance (in mm).<br>MouseFeedback (1|0) Activate or disable mouse feedback (highlight object on hover).<br>NormalApproach (double) For robot machining projects: Use a normal approach with a given distance.<br>OffsetRail (double) For robot machining projects: Offset of the rail when optimized (mm).<br>OffsetTurntable (double) For robot machining projects: Offset of the turntable when optimized (deg).<br>OperationSpeed (double) For curve follow projects: Operation speed (in mm/s).<br>OptimRail (0|1) For robot machining projects: Use linear rail optimization.<br>OptimTurntable (0|1) For robot machining projects: Use turntable optimization.<br>PostProcessor (string) Set the post processor (file or name excluding the path). Leave empty to retrieve current post processor.<br>RangeRotZ (double 0-180) For robot machining projects: Tool rotation range around the Z axis (deg).<br>Reframe (ignored) Reframe on this object<br>Retract (Normal|Tangent|Side|XYZ|NTS|ArcN|ArcS A B C) Set the approach or retract of a robot machining toopath<br>SelectAlgorithm (0|1|2) Select the algorithm (0: minimum tool orientation change, 1: Tool orientation follows path, 3: Robot holds object).<br>ShowWorkspace (0|1|2|3) Show or hide robot workspace (0: hide, 1: show for wrist center, 2: show for flange, 3: show for active tool).<br>SimplifyMesh (ignored) Simplify the geometry of an object (it does not change the object appearance).<br>StatsAccuracy (Validation|Calibration) Robot calibration statistics<br>StepRotZ (double) For robot machining projects: Tool rotation steps around the Z axis (deg).<br>Tree (expand|collapse) Expand or collapse the item in the tree.<br>UpdatePath (ignored) Update the operation toolpath (green path). Use this option after changing an approach or retract<br>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-29-fe3d63a94826>", line 1, in <module>
runfile('//triton.meca.polymtl.ca/usagers/abbhe/profiles/Desktop/untitled0.py', wdir='//triton.meca.polymtl.ca/usagers/abbhe/profiles/Desktop')
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\customize\spydercustomize.py", line 827, in runfile
execfile(filename, namespace)
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\customize\spydercustomize.py", line 110, in execfile
exec(compile(f.read(), filename, 'exec'), namespace)
File "//triton.meca.polymtl.ca/usagers/abbhe/profiles/Desktop/untitled0.py", line 37, in <module>
if instruction_dict['Type'] == INS_TYPE_CHANGESPEED:
TypeError: string indices must be integers
It looks like prog.setParam(ins_id) returns a string when it is supposed to return a dict.
Is the example still up to date?
I am on RoboDK version 4.0.2
Thank you,